Monday, November 26, 2007

Free "Oh! Nuts" Desert Platter for Dixie Yid Reader!

An Oh Nuts! marketing guy contacted me and offered a 10% discount off nut platters to Dixie Yid readers. If you want to get this discount, go to their website and enter their coupon code "HBW1116" at their website to get that discount.

And they also offered a $20 gift certificate for their website. I'm going to take all of the Feedblitz subsribers that are getting Dixie Yid and pick one at random to receive this gift certificate. If you want to be in the running, just click here to subscribe to get Dixie Yid in your e-mail box once a day. To be eligible for the "drawing," subscribe by next Monday night (no need to do anything if you're already subscribed), December 3rd, at 11:59 PM. I'll let you know by e-mail who wins and I'll give the "winner" the gift code at that time. and I'll probably make a post too to let you know who gets it. All in good fun!

-Dixie Yid

(FYI, I'm not getting any financial or advertising beneit of any kind from this. It's simply a show of good will to readers. Enjoy!)

Click here to get Dixie Yid in your e-mail Inbox.

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